Each car owner wants to have a clean and well -groomed car. But there are times when there is not a single franchise of a mobile sink or there is no time to wait when it will be free. What to do in this situation?
Today, tidy up your “iron horse” is possible with the help of:
1) non -contact sinks for which specialized sprayers with high pressure or active washing foam are used. These substances that can dissolve the mud raid are applied to the car, and then washed off with water supplied under pressure, equal to the top ten – a hundred atmospheres;
2) manual washing (being a traditional way). It is easiest to use and requires only water, washing and washcloths. For its implementation, you need to apply a layer of shampoo, which is removed by a washcloth and stream of water;
3) dry sink, which is carried out without liquid, but with the help of specialized chemical compounds for machines, namely shampoos – polishes, which, after application to contaminated places, are removed using dry rags.
Since everyone knows about the features of the first two types of sinks, we will dwell on the latter and consider all its positive and negative sides in more detail, we will give some recommendations.
It will be positive that for its implementation you do not need water, no buckets or hoses, it is enough to have a cleaning agent and dry rag, and 1 liter of agent replaces the use of 2 tons of water. With it, additional polishing of the body is also carried out, capable of protecting Laco – colorful body covering and preserving for a long time the cleanliness of its surface. This tool is safe for health, does not give any divorces after cleaning, protects against sticking mud particles, bird litter and rust formation. The protective layer formed by the product does not allow ultraviolet rays to paint on the paint and it does not burn out. It should only be remembered that for the sink, the surface of the body should also be absolutely dry. This type of sink is also possible to spend everywhere.
The disadvantage of such cleaning is that there are difficulties in extracting dirt with a washcloth in hidden cavities and depressions of the body or other places. Also, such cleaning is impossible after visiting wet dirt roads.